Noslang's Internet & text slang dictionary is sorted by letter Click on a letter above to see the corresponding slang terms and their definitions This dictionary consists of text slang and internet acronyms that users have submitted All terms are reviewed by aUsing texting acronyms and texting abbreviations with customersSOS Meaning help SOS Son of Sam SOT Short of time SOTMG Short of time, must go SOWM Someone with me SPK Speak (SMS) SRSLY Seriously SPST Same place, same time SPTO Spoke to SQ Square SRY Sorry SS So sorry SSDD Same stuff, different day SSIF So stupid it's funny

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S u meaning in texting
S u meaning in texting-Back in the early days of texting, longer texts were more expensive to sendSo early texters developed texting abbreviations and acronyms that made sending messages easier and cheaper These abbreviations are still common in texting, but they've also made their way to social media, message boards, and even conversational slangCheck out a helpful list of online jargon that willI know, it happens to me all the time Well here is a text symbol dictionary to keep you on top of the latest texting lingo I know, you're welcome Thank me later!

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If you're sent S on snapchat, they are sending streaks To get streaks to work, send an S every day back and forth If they forget to send their SMost Common SS Meaning SS stands for Selfie SundaySS So sorry;
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used at the end of textbased communication to indicate that the content was sarcastic Your argument is sound and I can find absolutely no flaws in it /s See more words with the same meaning Internet, texting, SMS, email, chat acronyms (list of)SC Stay cool;Sometimes, the numbers simply replace letters that they look like (eg, 4 is used to replaced A) But, that is only a small part of the story

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Get the top SB abbreviation related to Text MessagingSOS Meaning help;There are thousands of these texting symbols that can be used, each with their own specific meaning, for instance a smiley face ) , or even a sad face ( , showing an expression in a text message We have a long text symbols list for you on this page, so that you can find out exactly what they mean, and to provide you with ideas for your own

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=) Looks like mmmm Kay is fine, but he's gone I'm not from txt sch t It will be more useful if you give us a sentenceThe meaning of emojis offers many possibilities of interpretation Some are easy to realize, others difficult to interpret if you do not know the original meaning This can lead to ambiguity or misunderstanding, since emojis can also replace regular words in a text Excessive use of emojis can also lead to confusion with your counterpartIn Texting SS Superficial Sufferheads in Texting SS So Sweet in Texting SS Secret Sister


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An emoticon that is widely used in texting and chat, and on social media and elsewhere on the internet, but what does S mean in slang?An abbreviation that is widely used in texting and chat, and on Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and elsewhere on the internet, but what does SS mean in slang?Text Messaging POS abbreviation meaning defined here What does POS stand for in Text Messaging?

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That's what sic is used to indicate When you see sic in a document, it simply means that there was an error in the original source material that is being quoted The writer is letting readers know that the text being quoted has been copied exactly as it appears on the page or screenLet's find out what does IG actually mean in text!WYWH Wish you were here;

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Text definition is the original words and form of a written or printed work How to use text in a sentenceS in my experience is supposed to be like Charlie Brown's face when the mouth is just a squiggly line It can mean confusion, embarrassment, or being atMost Common S Meaning S is an emoticon symbolizing a confused sideways face

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The acronym "SOS" is used when sending messages via text or internet messaging systems According to PCnet, there are several meanings behind this acronym The primary meaning is "Same old stuff" This is a common reply to questions such as "What's happening?"Your meaning will often be clearer to readers if you stick with English in the main body of your text and save "c" for things in parentheses and notes So, for example, you might write "the construction of Stonehenge began around 3000 BCE" or "when Stonehenge began to be constructed (c 3000 BCE)" But is the meaning of this acronym really that simple or is there more to it?


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Meaning Something between playful and desperate, depending on usage The exclamation point is the most valuable punctuation mark you have in your arsenal, but it's also the most dangerous444 means Angels Are With You in text messaging A AKA What does AKA Mean in Texting?Texting acronyms, texting abbreviations, text message shortcuts, Internet slang, or SMS language Many names that basically mean shortened words or sentences people write when texting, and are now also seen more in email and on social networks such as Twitter, and Facebook

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It's possible that it actually predated the texting and internet era and was brought over those platforms as more and more people got on them While the essential meaning of OG is understood by people across many demographics and pretty much all walks of life, not many people know what the actual letters in the acronym stand forWFH Work from home; That one's hard to explain It takes on different meanings in different contexts Like, it can be used to say "Pew, right over your head" Or "Well this shit just got awkward" Or a less aggressive version of a facepalm As I said, it's hard to explain, you just sort of pick it up xx

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Learner's definition of TEXT 1 noncount the original words of a piece of writing or a speech A good critic will refer back to the text often You can find the full text of his speech on his Web site the text of the Constitution more examples hide examples Example sentences Texting has now been around for over 25 years and it's estimated that 8 trillion text messages are sent globally every year Like it or not, texting abbreviations (like the ubiquitous "LOL") are very commonly used in messages—and not knowing their meaning can at best cause confusion and at worst get you in troubleSorG Straight or Gay?

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The ) notation is known as a smiley, and means that the statement it follows was intended as humor When you tilt your head to the side, you see that is the eyes, the optional nose, and ) is the mouth This notation is often used in email, text messages, and other postings to communicate emotional context that would otherwise be lost or unclearSup – What's up;What does 143 Mean in Texting?

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This adds emphasis, reinforces meaning, is highly emotive, and creates an image in the reader's mind The use of personification like,"Whistling of wind"and, "whispering branches of the trees" engages the reader, adds weight to the authors point, and Have you ever received a text from someone and for the life of you, you couldn't figure out what your text buddy was trying to say?AKA means Also Known As in text messaging AML What does

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